Welcome to RIVEO!
At RIVEO, aquariums and themed exhibitions are an invitation for you to constantly learn more and, above all, to have fun !
The visit begins with "STOP Invasions!", an exhibition about the Invasive Alien Species invading aquatic environments. The new exhibition opens in February 2024... Stay tuned for the opening date.
Equipped with an interactive passport, from continent to continent, you will discover incredible species, fabulous animals, quirky anecdotes, surprising fishing techniques, thrilling tales, as well as environmental problems.
In a semi-underground building, branches of the river have been rebuilt and aquariums present fresh-water fish in a unique and surprising showcase. You will meet the tench and learn why it's nicknamed the doctor fish, the pike with a more sinister nickname - the river shart, and even the smallest of them all, the stickleback, wich builds a nest for its young. It's a funny-looking bird ! All in all, there are around twenty fish and shellfish wearing the Ardennes coulours.
You finish with a little stroll around the splendid gardens or perhaps a game of mini golf !
Monastic, Moorish gardens, a labyrinth, renaissance... even contemporary... the gardens invite you for an enjoyable and relaxing interlude at the very heart of Hotton.
How about mini golf ? There's an 18 hole that we are told is exceptional !
Shall we go ?